Summer Is In The Air

Posted by on Jul 22, 2016 in Birds | No Comments

As we enter some of the hotter months of the year, we find ourselves getting more creative with ways to avoid the heat. As a child we were sent out to run through the sprinklers when they would kick on. As adults we try to be more creative to prevent the house itself from becoming a sauna (minus the health benefits) without having to rack up on air conditioning bills. There is the typical, shut all windows and blinds, it may be a darker house, but at least if feels cooler. Whats for Dinner? Go for stove top meals vs. the oven. And the one I am working on because I have a sweet tooth, when it comes to baking treats, don’t. There is always trusted no bake cookies, mouthwatering peanut butter balls, and don’t forget ice cream. And on the particular hot days, plan a trip to a local water park (especially the free ones) or the library. Gives the kids something to do and allows you to not have to crank up the AC.

Have you every worried about your pets though? For those of you big animal lovers, you go out of your way to take good care of them. And why shouldn’t you, the’re family?

When in a community with one of our beautiful aviaries, a resident asked if we have AC units in the aviary. She had mistaken the filter which is in many of our models, for an AC. Though in such a facility, they keep the temperature quite cool for me not to worry about the birds overheating it did make me ponder. How do birds do in the hot weather?

Birds have a hotter body temperature then us, making their tolerance level much greater then our own.

They will also spread their wings away from the body to cool themselves down if they get too hot.

Similar to dogs, they will pant to dissipate heat.

And another way we can help them get some relief from the heat is a cool bath. Whether you have an aviary of your own, or love watching the birds outside your window you can help the birds stay cool. Place a bath in the aviary, or a bath outside your home (one preferably in view). And now sit back and watch as these cute little birds splish and splash in the cool refreshing water.