Spice Finch

Posted by on Jun 26, 2017 in Bird spotlight | No Comments

Spice up your aviary with a spice finch!  These birds are very hearty and originate from South China, Taiwan, India and Hainan.  Spice finches are easy to care for and will thrive in a colony or as a couple.  Like many birds, their diets consist of seeds, greens, insects and eggs.

It may be hard to tell the difference between the male and female spice finch as their coloring is similar, but disparities can be noted in the males, which typically employ a thicker beak and a broad, large head.   Although the male finch will sing a quiet song undetectable to the human ear, a proud thrusting of his head denotes his engagement in this activity.

As with most humans, the youthful spice finch does not have the same scaly appearance as their parents!  But, like most of us, eventually they grow up and take after their parents.  Good thing they do, because their scaly appearance distinguishes them from the other bird species.