Silverbill Finch

Posted by on Jun 27, 2017 in Bird spotlight | No Comments

The silverbill finch is our service technician Jared’s favorite bird. This may have something to do with their mellow nature, not only making them the perfect fit with you aviary, but also keeping Jared’s fingers free of little bird bites!!  In fact, the only time he was bit by a silverbill it was because he was stating out loud how these birds resemble a hawk–keep your comments to yourself Jared!

Although it is hard to tell the difference between a male and female, if you catch one singing, you have located the male. In the wild, these birds form colonies allowing them to get along well with other species. They also share nests, combining up to 25 eggs from different females.

Silverbills also know how to be thrifty; they have been known to reuse other bird’s old nests, which explains why you may catch these sneaky squatters stealing away into already occupied nests. These birds love millet, eggs, and greens. Make sure they are getting a good amount to help keep them happy and healthy.