Shut it off!

Posted by on Mar 7, 2016 in Birds | No Comments


singing canary

So….my grandma got a bird.  A beautiful male canary, and he’s a singer.  His name is Bing after the famous Bing Crosby, if that gives you an idea.  Prior to this bird, and after she accidently crushed her last bird to death when she sat on him, she had a mechanical bird.  I had no idea such a thing existed, but I guess a bird that doesn’t poop, or need to be fed, while lulling you to sleep with it’s melodic sounds is not a bad idea.  And, if you are angry and don’t feel like listening to chirping, you can always turn off the bird!  I’ve had to do this once or twice with my son’s annoying toys that like to talk to you at all hours of the night!

Now back to the current bird that resides in Grandma’s room.  Grandma has a son-in-law that doesn’t usually appreciate all the sounds that nature has to offer.  Or maybe it’s just the sounds that are imitated.  Anyways, he got used to turning that mechanical bird off whenever his family came for a visit.  And last visit was no exception.  The real bird (Bing) started to bless the house with his noises, and Mr. son-in-law followed his natural course of action and went into grandma’s room to shut the bird off.

Inside the cage, Bing was happily singing to his new audience, when suddenly a large hand started to close in on his tiny body.  Well naturally, instinct took over and Bing flew away.  A startled son-in-law quickly backed up and carefully assessed the situation.  In his haste to turn off the bird, he had missed the tell-tale signs that this bird could only be silenced in a way that grandma unfortunately knew too well.

Anyways, despite the fright that Bing and the son-in-law experienced during their first introduction, the two are now acquainted.  And Bing is a little more particular about whose around before he decides to belt out a tune!