Flight Fright

Posted by on Aug 24, 2016 in Aviary, Senior Community | No Comments

One day in a local community, a scare occurred. In the main lobby a big focal point for visitors and residence stands a bird aviary with enchanting live birds. While admiring the birds a resident found a bird on the floor, outside of the aviary. The staff was informed and they made preparation to catch the escape artist. But as they approached a new fear hit. The bird was not moving. The lady who normally works with the birds was off that day. All were a little nervous to have to handle the dead bird.

Finally one brave soul decided to take on the challenge. As she approached the bird a relief came over her. The bird was not dead, and more then that, it was fake. Next to the aviary on a table they have a little wooden birdhouse, where a likeness of a canary normally stands on the perch. But the furry doll had fallen on the floor and caused a scare when found by the resident.

This gave a good laugh to all involved as they returned the canary to its usual perch.