Recognize Sick Birds

Posted by on Sep 30, 2016 in Birds, Birds Health, FAQ's | No Comments

Those who own pets understand the responsibility of caring for them. Due to that love, it is important to recognize when your bird is not doing well.

Signs of Sickness

  • One big sign that your bird may be sick is fluffed up feathers. They do this when cold or as they prepare to sleep. But if continually fluffing their feathers it is also a sign that something is wrong.
  • Feather loss, or balding is another thing to watch out for.
  • Any strange or new behavior. If your bird use to be active with flying around but now is always on the bottom of the cage, you should look further into their health.img_0952

It is good to be familiar with different illnesses that can effect your bird. Here is one:

Egg Bound Birds

Those of you who have female birds should be familiar with this health concern. An egg bound bird is something we have come across several times in this profession. It means that the bird has an egg trapped in their reproductive tract and they are unable to expel it. If left unattended to, it can lead to the death of the bird. Symptoms include heavy breathing, swelling of the stomach or bottom, and floor bound female birds. As a result of these signs a veterinarian is the best option to care for the bird.

Therefore if you see any of these signs and need more information on egg bond birds visit