Eat Your Bird Food!

Posted by on Jun 26, 2017 in Birds Health | No Comments

Eat like a bird!  Doesn’t sound appealing?  Well, read on.  Despite the popular phrase’s intended meaning, birds actually eat a large portion of food in relation to their size.  And even though their feast may not look tempting, you may think otherwise after you try a popular staple in many bird’s diets!  I’m referring to millet, which is commonly mistaken for a grain and is usually given to birds on the stalk.  Millet is actually a small seed, but don’t let its tiny size fool you, it is packed with nutrition that birds and humans alike can benefit from!

Millet dates back to biblical days, in fact it is referred to in the bible as one of the ingredients used to make bread.   Many people have heard of or tasted Ezekiel, 4:9 bread, with ingredients inspired right from the bible.   It is surprisingly tasty even with all those healthy ingredients! Millet can be used in a variety of ways; not only is it used to make a variety of breads, but can also be enjoyed as cereal, in casseroles and even as a dessert.  I love starting off the day with a bowl of puffed millet topped off with some creamy whole milk! Some of the exciting benefits to humans are:

  • It’s easy to digest because of its alkalinity
  • Will keep your colon hydrated which helps with constipation
  • Helps calm moods
  • Can help lower cholesterol
  • Is gluten-free and non-allergenic

The benefits for birds are equally exciting:

  • It is the most nutritious grain you can give your bird
  • Helps with digestion
  • Relieves stress
  • Great source of calcium, phosphorus, protein, and magnesium

Because of its many benefits, Bevy of Birdhome’s ensures that birds in the aviary are receiving millet.  And, if your birds are gobbling it down quickly, you can always request more!

It is highly probable, after learning all the benefits this tasty treat offers, that you will be tempted to grab a little snack of millet for yourself directly out of the aviary; but remember, it is not a vending machine.  Sooo… get your own bird food, and enjoy eating like a bird!

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