Boys Will Be Boys

Posted by on Nov 10, 2016 in Birds, Birds Health, Uncategorized | No Comments

Male canaries have a beautiful song, with which they attract a mate. The intricate song is heart warming and amazing to listen to. Recently in a local facility a new female canary was introduced into the aviary. The male canary had been alone for several months since his previous mate had died. The male lit up and began singing, something he had not done in sometime.

singing canary

If you have a canary that is not singing here are somethings to consider:

1) The male may in fact be a female. Sometimes there is a mistake in the sexing process. You can recognize if it is a female if the canary begins to build a nest or lays any egg. Females may sing when they are young, but stop later. If they sing it is a shorter and less complex song compared to a male singing.

2) He may be too young. Canaries need to mature before they begin to sing.

3) The canary may be sick. If he use to sing and recently has stopped, pay attention to his habits. Is he not eating, or overeating? Is he on the floor and no longer flying? These could be signs that he is ill, seek medical attention for your bird.

4) Is the cage well lit? Birds are similar to us, they need light. If the canary is not getting enough light it can prevent them from singing.

After going through these steps, if you find he is still not singing then he may not be a singer. There is nothing wrong with this. You still have a beautiful bird that brings color and enjoyment to your home. For those buying a canary, you can always ask the seller beforehand if the canary is a good singer.