Bird Spotlight: Green Singers

Posted by on Oct 14, 2016 in Bird spotlight, Birds, Uncategorized | No Comments

About these birds

There is a finch whose name may confuse you on their looks. The Green Singer Finch actually is a grey and yellow. These birds originated in Africa, and the way to tell the difference between male and female is the the coloring. The male has a brighter shade compared to the duller female.

These birds are great for aviaries because of their bright coloring. They add a pop of color to any place.

Image result for green singer

Quick Flyers

But like other birds they have their little quirks. One day when getting into an aviary to clean, a technician of ours found a quick green singer sneak past her and fly out of the cage. There being two technicians, the other looked around the room to find the bird. Being unable to spot the bird he and another man determined the bird had flown to a high part of the ceiling out of sight. Trying to use a broom to spook the bird over time they became weary. They determined the bird must have flown down the hallway.

By now the second technician had caught the other birds and came out to help search. As several more people entered the room the bird suddenly showed its location by the floor. How it had hidden so well is unknown. It was dark wood flooring and the green singer is a bright color. But to balance out their visibility these birds are quite fast when it comes to flying. What a great thing to see up close.