Because I’m Happy…

Posted by on Sep 22, 2015 in Pet Therapy | No Comments

Your gonna want to listen to this!  Imagine a happier you just from owning a pet.  Studies have shown that pets can have a profound effect on our mood which correlates with overall health!

Dr. Edward Creagan stated, “A pet is a medication without side effects that has so many benefits. I can’t always explain it myself, but for years now I’ve seen how instances of having a pet are like an effective drug. It really does help people.”

Benefits of medicine, without the nasty side effects; sounds like my kind of drug!

One of the reasons pets are so effective is because upon interaction with animals, the “happy” hormone oxytocin is released. And, as Rebecca Johnson states, oxytocin “helps us to feel happy and trusting.”[1] This happy feeling leads to long-term benefits in our health because as oxytocin is released, it creates a “powerful effect for us in the body’s ability to be in a state of readiness to heal, and also to grow new cells, so it predisposes us to an environment in our own bodies where we can be healthier.”[2]

Wow! Pets aren’t just beautiful to gaze upon; they can actually help our quality of life!

So, get a handle on your emotions!  Consider adding the sights and sounds of a luxurious, bird-filled aviary to your home or office. You’ll be happy you did!

[1] Rovner, Julie. “Pet Therapy: How Animals And Humans Heal Each Other.” NPR. March 5, 2012. Accessed September 11, 2015.

[2] Ibid.