Bats in the Birdhouse!!

Posted by on Feb 19, 2017 in Aviary, News | No Comments


vampire bat


Uncovering a good news story and creating a catchy headline are crucial elements for any journalists; especially when living in a small town.  My family had moved from the densely populated southern California, to Bladen, Nebraska, a village of 300 people as the green population sign boasted, just  as I was about to enter high school.  In the short five years my family resided in this town (where strangers magically turned out to be distant cousins, and what you ate for dinner the night before often becomes public knowledge) my dad, aunt and myself managed to each take turns making the front page of the Hastings Tribune, a larger town’s newspaper (boasting 22,000 people) 45 miles away.

Although I was amongst the three lucky people to receive such an honor (actually, I was quite mortified to be pictured in a Minnie Mouse costume and prayed fervently that none of my classmates would recognize me), this story is not about me, but rather, my aunt.

As the headline “Bats in the Birdhouse” would suggest, and this is where the beauty of using a play on words comes into fruition, one might assume that the fanged little creatures were found frolicking inside a birdhouse.  However, upon further investigation, for anyone inquisitive enough to look deeper, one would learn that my aunt’s last name is Bird, and in fact, a single bat flew into her house where it executed it’s reign of terror for a few hours prior to managing to be caught…in the head with a bat (oh, the irony).  R.I.P. little bat!  Actually, it was caught in a tin can, but I couldn’t resist my own fun with verbiage.

Well, now that this little story is over and you are all scratching your heads and wondering where in the world this call to action is hiding; because after all, we are a business and as such selling is the game—here goes.  A great feature about our aviaries is they are fully enclosed!  So, when you purchase an aviary you will not ever have to worry about bats in your birdhouse—whew!