Shaft-tail Finch

Posted by on Jul 18, 2017 in Bird spotlight | No Comments

Don’t let yourself be shafted out of adding these birds to your collection.  Not only are they a good way to continually bring new life into your aviary (they are great breeders), shaft-tails are also comical and very active.

The beautiful, unique song that emits from these finches is the only clue as to which one is the male.  He will also bob his head while serenading you.

Don’t be alarmed if you cannot spot your shaft-tail finches as they like to play hide and go seek, and are superior at laying down low in their nest.  They also may be incubating their eggs, which take about 13 days to hatch.

Shaft-tail babies take after the millennial generation, and are quite content to stay home as long as possible.  They do however follow the 21 rule guideline of creating new habits, and so they usually leave the nest at 21 days, and after an additional 21 days with their parents, they are finally ready to leave home—thank goodness!

If you would like to liven up your aviary with these active finches give us a call.