Owl Finches

Posted by on Jul 21, 2017 in Bird spotlight | No Comments

The wise owl finch comes to us from the great down under (Australia).  Their distinct ring around the face, reminiscent of an owl, lends this finch its name.  Although this finch may resemble an owl, it is actually a close relative to the zebra finch.  Owl finches are active and curious, which is not always a good combination our tech’s have learned, when you are trying to clean the cage.

Like most birds, the way to tell the difference between the sexes is to listen for the singer.  And, like most species, the male is the one with something to say, or sing!  In this case, the song is a soft repetitive noise, so listen carefully to these little guys.

The sweetness of the male’s song is appreciated by the females, resulting in a lifelong bond!  Since these birds aren’t high maintenance, any nest will do, and typically a clutch of 3-6 eggs will soon emerge from the happy couple.  Although owl finches can be good parents, sometimes they are a little absentminded when it comes to sitting on the eggs.  However, other species, such as society finches, are always a good fill in if this occurs.

Once the baby owl finches emerge, they will stay in the nests for about 3 weeks.  After they have left the nest, they like to stay another 35 days before venturing off on their own.

To inquire about these wise little finches give us a call 888-756-1693.