How Do Birds Cool Off?

Posted by on Aug 2, 2017 in Birds Health | No Comments

It’s that time of year where the instant I step outside, I feel desperate for a bath to wash away the salty sweat that cascades down my body.  Gross, huh?  Well, you don’t have to be human to long for a bath; birds like to bathe too!  Even though your bird doesn’t sweat, (they don’t have sweat glands) they still get hot.  There are several ways that a bird will cool itself.

  • Birds don’t just open their mouth to sing, or eat; they also use their mouth to cool down.  They do this because when they pant (not just for dogs) the rapid swooshing of the incoming air cools their body while the hot air is emitted.  Pretty cool, huh?
  • It also helps for a bird to flutter their throat, which means they are flexing their hyoid bone.  When this occurs they give off a lot of heat because a bird has a lot of blood is in this area.
  • Holding the wings out is another solution to the problem of overheating.  It is not uncommon for birds to even use their wings to provide shade for the body.
  • Water is an important answer for cooling.  Since a regular bath is something that you can provide your birds, make sure that this is happening.

Once a week, place cool water about an inch deep in your bath container.  The birds will flock to it, splashing and dancing around.  And, when your bird sings, it is because it is content and happy!

So beat the heat this summer and enjoy relaxing in front of your aviary while watching your birds cool off too.